12 March 2009

An Adobe Flex Demo

Below is a link to a flex application that I created. Please note, it is a demo, not production ready code. I would welcome comments.

Warranty Submission Demo

You need to drag (or dbl click) something from the upper middle tree before you can drag from the upper right tree. For the final design the contents of the right most tree will change dependent on the product being claimed for.

There are a few very interesting things going on in it.

  • Drag and drop - drag from any entry in the top half and drop into the bottom half
  • Central property editor grid that is a single point of edit, normally a column in a grid has the same item editor down all rows but this component has different editors for each row.
  • Local storage of edits - your changes are remembered.
  • Different tab navigator - actually a skinned radio button bar acting on a single box
There is some basic skinning and embedding of fonts. Although this was a Flex 2.0.1 design originally, I have recompiled it for Flex 3.

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